How you do not quit when hard ?

How you do not quit when hard ? ( 7 Useful Tips )

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How you do not quit when hard ? ( 7 Useful Tips )


How you do not quit when hard ?


Many times in life we are in hard, tough and very challenging situation and it is the easiest thing to quit at that time.

Quitting and avoiding the situation altogether looks very comfortable at that time but there is no achievement in leaving the hard times and the challenge mid way because you will not gain the required experience to succeed in similar situation in future and you will lose valuable opportunity to gain rich experience.

Overcoming the challenges should be considered as a stepping stone for the future success and confidence of overcoming tough situations always support during challenging times when they get repeated in future.

Having gone through such hard situations multiple times, sharing the common approaches that can be followed on how you do not quit when hard.

1. Accept the tough situation : Do not fight with the tough situation or think why it happened to me. Rather better thing is to accept the situation and that you are now part of it. This acceptance will support you and make you think to get out of the situation

 2. Think what can be done : Rather than thinking and getting bogged down with the problem, start thinking about what actions can be taken at this stage to solve the problems. This thinking process will activate your mind to trigger solution of the problem.

 3. Stay there : Even if you are not able to do much about it during the current times, stay there. Don’t run away from the problem. You may not be able to do much about the situation today but if you stay, you will definitely find some solution and way going forward.

 4.  Look for small wins: Don’t try to make big changes early on rather look for small and quick wins. They could be more easily spotted on and will require less efforts. These small wins will also provide confidence to keep going for big items in future.

5.  Be Hopeful : Be hopeful in worst situations. Think right and expect a positive outcome. Hope is must to come out of tough situations. Being positive is a great booster to keep self motivated.

6. Take support from others : Problems you are facing have not be faced by someone for the first time. Share your problems with your support network and seek their support. Your mentors may be able help you with the right guidance and approach.

It is highly possible that someone had earlier faced similar problems and found their solutions. Getting support from others can be the fastest way to come out of these situations

7. Remember your past achievements : Whenever in doubt about your capabilities and competence, try to remember in the past how you overcame these type of situations. What you did differently to come out of them and what skillset you used.

These past achievements will give you confidence and courage to face the new challenge and overcome it.

These approaches are very helpful on how you do not quit when hard. Challenges are essential part of life and they only become bigger as you grow up the ladder.

More the number of such challenges you will overcome, more is the rich experience you will gain. But to gain the experience full cycle of challenge has to be conquered and completed.

So, Do not Quit the challenge rather overcome it !


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How you do not quit when hard ? ( 7 Useful Tips )


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