bounce back from failure

How did I bounce back from failure?

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How did I bounce back from failure?

bounce back from failure


Failures are essential part and source of learning in our life

Failures are unavoidable but how someone responds to those failed moments separate winners from losers

Overcoming failures demonstrates strength and resilience and it is one of the most important skillset in a person armoury.

Sharing a true story on how did I bounce back from failure in competitive examination.

I was appearing for a prestigious competitive MBA examinations. On the scheduled date, I reached Examination Hall on time.

I sat at the assigned seat on third  row from front and Invigilator distributed the answer sheets.

I received the answer sheet and mentioned Name and Roll No. on it.

At exactly 9 AM, I received the Question paper and started marking answers on answer sheet which was darkening the correct circle among the given multiple choice options on a computerized  OMR Sheet.

After fifteen minutes, Invigilator realized the big mistake he had done.

Instead of distributing answer sheets from front to back, he has distributed from left to right.

He asked to erase the Roll no and Name from answer sheets and return him

All students followed the same. Then he collected back all the answer sheets and  redistributed.

I did the examination well  and was hoping for good results

Results came after few months.

It was not good. Actually it was a shocker !

I had got a zero in examination for the first time in life.

My answer sheet was cancelled and I was given a zero.

Reason being cutting and smudging on the sheet due to change in role number when answer sheets were taken back.
My entire paper was cancelled.

Entire one year of my hard work, effort and preparation had gone down the drain without any fault of mine.


I was down and out. Actually shattered because my dream was broken and now I realized what it means and how failures  shatter you completely.

If I had to continue to pursue my dream then I had to work hard again for full year which was looking like a humungous effort.

And this hard work was too much for me now as I was also doing a full time job along with exam preparation.

It literally gave a shiver down my spine.

I shared my failure and reason with some of my friends to get some comfort. Most of  them discouraged that now since you have lost you should focus on something else.

But one friend was an exception. He was hopeful and said that you are capable and if you again try next time you will be through.

It gave me some hope.


Then I reflected what has to  be done now. Since, I cannot go back and change my past on what happened that day.

First let me accept the situation what it is. I accepted the situation on what had happened.


The moment I accepted the situation, I stopped worrying about what had happened and tried to figure out what can be done from here.

So, only option for me was to try to study and prepare again for full one year and it was not easy to take this decision at that time.

I thought that let me not think about full year and better to take one day at a time.

Immediately I started preparing for examination again without thinking any further.

Preparation for this year turned out to me much easier than anticipated as most of things were already well prepared and focus was more on revision and practice tests.

After one year, I again appeared for tests.

This time nothing untoward happened.

I successfully cleared and performed well in the examination as per my expectations and was selected among the top management institutes in the country.

Dream did came true but after one year.


Now, when reflect back on that worst situation I was in and think of what made the difference on bounce back from failure

It was primarily accepting the fact what had happened, staying positive, immediately getting into the action and keeping consistent focus to achieve the goal throughout the year.

I learned life often gives such situations and failures to test us and by staying resilient  and bounce back from failure  is very important skill to learn.

Let us be positive and try again to bounce back from failure and achieve our goals. You may be only one more step and chance away from success.


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How did I bounce back from failure ?


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